July 26, 2011

Our First Guests!

Chris and Michelle came to visit us! They just got engaged a few weeks ago and are getting married in October. Chris was Jon's best man in our wedding, and Jon is going to be Chris's best man. It was wonderful to have them come stay with us this weekend. It was very relaxing to just hang out with friends and not have much of an agenda for the weekend.

Thank you Chris and Michelle for coming and spending your weekend with us!

The happily engaged couple!

TD dog and I at Cleveland Park

Jon and I celebrated our 4 monthiversary tonight. Jon got off work a little early this afternoon and had a fun little candle light dinner all set up for me when I got home from work. The meal consisted of a sushi appetizer, small side salad, steak, and lima beans! It was absolutely delightful! I am so truly blessed to have such a wonderful husband! Thanks Jon for such a wonderful surprise! :)

Other things that happened in July:
  • David was working in Clemson, SC the week of 11th. I was able to meet up with him on my lunch break on Monday. Jon and I went to dinner with him at The Cookout on Tuesday. On Wednesday, Mom, Nana, Jon, and I all met him at dinner at Cracker Barrel. It was so great to see him. I wish Amy and Estelle could have been there, too!
  • I beat Kevin Nunnery in Mario Kart. Yes, it's that big of a deal.
  • We realized that 2 friends from college live in the building next to us! It was the craziest thing. Andy and Rachael, I hope we can make the most of this new neighborship!
  • We had dinner with Zach and Sarah Gilliam.
  • My Uncle Kenny and his 3 children (Andrew, Wes, and McKenzie) all came to visit my parents last weekend. Jon and I were able to go over for dinner on Monday. It was so great to see him and my little cousins. I have such a love for that family.
  • My parents celebrated their 31st Wedding Anniversary on the 19th! This coming weekend, they are going to Asheville for a little get-a-way. So fun!
July has definitely been an eventful one. I can't believe that it's almost over! August here we come! It will be a fun-filled month as well. Two fun things already in the first week... Don and Ariun will be in town and Jay and Hannah are getting married! :)


Chris said...

Thanks for letting us stay! We had so much fun spending time with you guys!

Also, props on the Mario Kart victory.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Chris and Michelle!

Way to go Jon on the anniversary idea!

(btw - Jon - don't you think you're setting the bar a little high - for the rest of us?)

Claire said...

What a lovely dinner he made for you! Need to show Dave to get him up to speed!