July 31, 2012

April 2012!

April was a slow month for us. (This is the moment that I forget something really important and put my foot in my mouth). 

  • We went on a little photo date to test out Jon's new camera lens. I love it when he dabbles in photography. The Jesus Saves picture is from that photo date, but taken with my iPhone. Maybe I'll get Jon to upload some pictures from his computer.
  • Dakota woke me up in his usual puppy eyed way. 
  • We let Dakota on the couch. This doesn't happen unless he inches his way up and pretty much demands some quality cuddle time.
  • I made a new wreath for the front door.
  • I recovered a chair. 
  • We had our Anniversary drawing framed. Our friend Angie Thompson drew this for us. You can visit her Etsy shop here: Heart Sparks Illustration. She does really fun couples/family drawings. Jon had her draw the below picture for our 1 year anniversary. It includes many fun memories from our first year, sort of like an i spy drawing.
And there you have April 2012 for Jon and Val. Enjoy!

I know, I know. He's cute.
couch cuddles!
hand sewn flowers for a precious addition for spring that has carried into summer
chair before (I found this at Goodwill a while back.. it is an old hospital chair. Pretty gross when I think about)
chair after
one year drawing!

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